Character & Word Counter

Start typing or paste

Characters 0
Words 0
Sentences 0
Paragraphs 0
Spaces 0

How to use

Type or paste your text in the input area. The number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs are counted automatically and displayed above. Use the custom field to count the number of occurences of your own word or text inside the larger text.

This character counter is confirmed to handle well above 1 million characters per call. Please use with precaution if pasting much larger numbers of characters.


This charater counter counts characters plain and simple, including spaces, special characters, new lines and more. Depending on if you define a space or any of the other types mentioned as characters or not is up to you, but bear in mind that this tool counts all of them, not only letters.

The same principle is true with words, sentences and paragraps. They can all differ in how you would define them. This tool defines them in the follwing ways:

  1. Characters: any character, including spaces, new lines, tabs, special charcters, punctuation, emojis and many more. Please keep in mind that some emojis and special characters are counted as 2 caracters, depending on how they are represented in code.
  2. Words: segments of letters or numbers separated by spaces, tabs, new lines and/or punctioation.
  3. Sentences: When a letter ends with a dot, a exclamation point or a question mark it is counted as a sentence.
  4. Paragraphs: Words or characters separated by new lines.
  5. Custom: Enter your own text to count the number of occurences of that text in the larger text.

How counters are used

Character Counter

You can use a character counter to ensure that your written work meets specific character requirements. For example, if you are writing a social media post and the platform has a character limit, you can use a character counter to make sure your post meets the limit and is not too long or too short.

You can also use a character counter for coding and programming. Character counters can help you to keep track of the number of characters in your code and ensure that it adheres to specific character limits or guidelines.

You can use a character counter for online messaging and social media to keep track of the number of characters in your messages, comments, or posts and make sure they are within the character limit.

You can also use a character counter to check the readability of your text. By counting the number of characters in a sentence, you can ensure that your sentences are not too long or too short, which can improve the readability of your text.

In general, character counters are very useful to make sure that the text you are writing is within the limits of the character length that’s required by any platform or application you are using.

Here are a few examples of when you would need to count characters:

  • Checking that the assignment you have written meets the lenght requirements from your teacher or client
  • Ensuring that a social media post meets the platform’s character limit
  • Keeping track of the number of characters in code to adhere to specific guidelines
  • Checking the character length of messages or comments on online messaging and social media platforms
  • Improving the readability of text by checking the number of characters in sentences
  • Checking the character length of a title, headline, or subject line in an email or article
  • Checking the character length of the meta title or meta description for SEO purposes
  • Checking the character length of a text message or SMS
  • Checking the character length of a tweet
  • Checking the character length of a barcode number
  • Checking the character length of a LinkedIn post
  • Checking the character length of a product name or description in an e-commerce website
  • Checking the character length of a URL
  • Checking the character length of Google Ads ad copy
  • Checking the character length of a bio or profile description
  • Checking the character length of a script or screenplay
  • Checking the character length of a bank account or credit card number

Word Counter

A word counter is a tool that helps to count the number of words in a document, text or any kind of writing. It can be used for a variety of purposes, depending on the individual’s or organization’s needs.

One of the most common uses of a word counter is for writing. A word counter can help writers to track the progress of their writing, and to ensure that they are reaching their word count goals. For example, a writer who is working on a novel may set a goal to write a certain number of words per day or per week, and use a word counter to track their progress. Additionally, a word counter can help writers to identify areas where their writing may be too wordy, allowing them to make edits to make it more concise.

Another common use for a word counter is for editing. A word counter can help editors to identify areas where a document may be too long or too short, and to make changes accordingly. Many publishers, academic institutions, and other organizations have specific word count guidelines for submissions. A word counter can help authors and editors to ensure that their work meets these requirements.

Another important use for a word counter is for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A word counter can be useful for optimizing your content for search engines. By ensuring that your content is the right length, you can make it more likely to rank well in search engine results.

A word counter can also be used for translation, it can be used to estimate the number of words that need to be translated in a document, and to check the length of the translation. This can be particularly useful for industries like legal, medical, or technical translation, where charges are often based on word or character count. A word counter can be used to estimate the cost of a project and to bill the client accordingly.

Word counters can also be used for research purposes. A word counter can be used to count the number of occurrences of a specific word or phrase in a document. This can be useful for academic research, content analysis, and other forms of research that require counting the frequency of specific words or phrases.

Finally, word counters can be used for social media. A word counter can be used to estimate the number of words in a post, tweet, or other social media message, to ensure that it meets the character limits for that platform. This can be particularly useful for social media managers, content creators, and other professionals who need to create social media content that adheres to specific character limits.

Here are a few examples of when you would need to count words:

  • Tracking progress of writing and ensuring word count goals are met.
  • Identifying areas where writing may be too wordy and making edits to make it more concise.
  • Ensuring that work meets specific word count guidelines for submissions.
  • Optimizing content for search engines by ensuring it is the right length.
  • Estimating the cost of a project and billing accordingly in industries like legal, medical or technical translation.
  • Counting the number of occurrences of a specific word or phrase in a document for research purposes.
  • Estimating the number of words that need to be translated in a document.
  • Ensuring social media content meets character limits for a specific platform.

Sentence Counter

A sentence counter is a tool that helps to count the number of sentences in a document, text or any kind of writing. It can be used for a variety of purposes, depending on the individual’s or organization’s needs.

One of the main uses of a sentence counter is for editing and proofreading. A sentence counter can help editors and proofreaders to identify areas where a document may be too wordy or too choppy. By counting the number of sentences, they can identify if there are too many short or too many long sentences, which can make the text difficult to read. This can also help to improve the flow and coherence of the text.

Another important use for a sentence counter is for academic writing. Many academic institutions have specific guidelines for the number of sentences per paragraph, and a sentence counter can be used to ensure that the work meets these requirements.

A sentence counter can also be used for research purposes. By counting the number of sentences in a document, researchers can gain a better understanding of the structure of the text and how it is organized. This can be particularly useful for content analysis, where the researcher is interested in the structure of the text and how ideas are presented.

Sentence counters can also be useful for social media and marketing. By counting the number of sentences in a post, tweet, or other social media message, content creators can ensure that the message is concise and easy to read. In marketing, a sentence counter can be used to identify the key sentence that summarizes a long text and make it more attractive.

Here are a few examples of when you would need to count sentences:

  • Identifying areas where a document may be too wordy or choppy
  • Ensuring academic writing meets specific guidelines for the number of sentences per paragraph
  • Gaining a better understanding of the structure of the text and how it is organized for research purposes.
  • Ensuring social media and marketing messages are concise and easy to read.
  • Identifying key sentence that summarizes a long text and making it more attractive.
  • Identifying the readability of a text by measuring the average sentence length
  • Identifying the style of writing by measuring the number of clauses per sentence
  • Identifying the complexity of a text by measuring the number of long sentences

Paragraph Counter

A paragraph counter is a tool that helps to count the number of paragraphs in a document, text or any kind of writing. It can be used for a variety of purposes, depending on the individual’s or organization’s needs.

One of the main uses of a paragraph counter is for editing and proofreading. A paragraph counter can help editors and proofreaders to identify areas where a document may be too long or too short. By counting the number of paragraphs, they can identify if there are too many or too few paragraphs and make adjustments accordingly. This can also help to improve the flow and coherence of the text and make it more readable.

Another important use for a paragraph counter is for academic writing and research. Many academic institutions have specific guidelines for the number of paragraphs per page, and a paragraph counter can be used to ensure that the work meets these requirements. Additionally, researchers can use a paragraph counter to analyze the structure of a text and understand how ideas are organized and presented.

Another use for a paragraph counter is for writing and content creation. A paragraph counter can help writers to identify areas where they may be overusing or underusing paragraphs and make adjustments to improve the flow and readability of the text. Additionally, a paragraph counter can be useful for website and document design, where the layout and formatting of the text is an important consideration.

In conclusion, a paragraph counter is a tool that can be used for various purposes, from editing and proofreading to academic writing, research, and writing and content creation. It’s a simple but powerful tool that can help individuals and organizations to improve the structure and readability of their documents and texts.

Here are a few examples of when you would need to count paragraphs:

  • Identifying areas where a document may be too long or too short
  • Ensuring academic writing and research meets specific guidelines for the number of paragraphs per page
  • Analyzing the structure of a text and understanding how ideas are organized and presented for research purposes
  • Improving the flow and readability of the text for writing and content creation
  • Identifying areas where there may be overuse or underuse of paragraphs
  • Improving website and document design by considering the layout and formatting of the text
  • Identifying the structure of a text by counting the number of paragraphs
  • Identifying the complexity of a text by measuring the number of paragraphs in a document